Roller Skiing


Roller Skiing

Roller skiing is a great way to ski even in the season when there is no snow. Roller skiing, like cross-country skiing, employs a variety of muscle groups and developing the body. For many years, only cross-country skiers have been involved in roller skiing, but roller skiing is now becoming more popular among other athletes.

Rollerslēpošana ir interesanta un pietiekami saredžģīta, lai treniņu procesu padarītu daudzveidīgāku. Latvijā ar rollerslēpošanu iespējams nodarboties dažādās speciāli tam veidotās trasēs Rīgā un slēpošanas trasēs ārpus Rīgas, kā arī pa dažādiem velo celiņiem.

Roller skiing is interesting and difficult, to make the training process more diverse. In Latvia, with roller skiing, it is possible to take part in various specially created tracks in Riga and on ski tracks outside the Riga, as well as on different bike paths.

Roller Skiing

Roller skiing is a great sport. Enjoy it!

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