In our store, we offer a wide range of sports bags for children, women, and men. The sports bags are suitable for various activities, including running, skiing, cycling, as well as for everyday use, to carry everything you need for training or when traveling. You will find bags for storing or transporting sports equipment, as well as travel suitcases. We offer sports bags from trusted brands such as Salomon, Asics, adidas, KV+, Swix, Fisher, Nike, and Bjorn Daehlie.
There is a wide range of sports bags available.
If you only need to carry a few items, you can choose smaller waist bags with a small pocket for keys and other small essentials. Waist bags come in various sizes to fit your needs, with pockets of different sizes. You’ll even be able to carry the latest generation smartphone while running. Don't forget about hydration—many waist bags come with additional pockets for water bottles, available in different volumes, and some models also feature loops for energy gel packets.
For longer runs or hikes, we recommend running backpacks, with or without hydration systems. These come in various sizes, ranging from small ones for the hydration system, to larger options with a capacity of several dozen liters. Running sports backpacks are designed to be lightweight and comfortable.
For skiing, a waist bag with a thermos is a great option to keep your drink warm, and it also includes a small pocket for your essentials. You can also use specially designed lightweight backpacks. We also recommend boot bags, ski bags, and pole bags for transporting or storing your gear.
For traveling, we offer sports suitcase bags with wheels and an extendable handle for easier transport.
For training, classic sports bags are essential. Available in different sizes, these sports bags come with handles and shoulder straps. Many models feature a separate compartment or bag for sports shoes. For everyday use, shoulder bags are also useful, equipped with a special pocket for a laptop and straps to carry your yoga mat. Sports bags come in various colors, including neutral tones and trendy seasonal shades, allowing you to complement your look and express your individuality.
For sports shoes, we offer a variety of sports bags, both colorful and neutral. These are provided by trusted brands like Asics, Nike, and adidas.
We also offer sports bags for children, including small and convenient backpacks with padded straps, zippers, and fun colors. You’ll find a bag for every age group, whether it's for kindergarten, school, or starting their sports journey.